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Penn State campus climate survey to close on April 22

Penn State's sexual misconduct climate survey will close on April 22. The survey was sent to a random sample of students at all Penn State campuses; students can check their Penn State email for a link to complete the survey. The University-wide survey is designed to assess issues of sexual assault, misconduct and harassment. 
Penn State President Eric Barron and James Delattre address lawmakers at the state Capitol in Harrisburg.

President Barron, Invent Penn State community showcase impact with lawmakers

Penn State President Eric Barron and a panel of local and industry leaders and entrepreneurs appeared in Harrisburg on Nov. 9 for a hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee. Titled “Improving Pennsylvania's Innovation Economy: Invent Penn State,” the hearing focused on Penn State’s efforts to drive economic development, job creation, entrepreneurship and innovation, and student career success through the Invent Penn State initiative.